Vehicle Impoundment
Arizona law requires law enforcement agencies to impound a motor vehicle when the driver is in violation of the following provisions:
- The driver’s license is canceled or revoked for any reason.
- Driver has never been issued a license or permit in Arizona or issued a license in any other jurisdiction.
- The driver is arrested for Extreme DUI or Aggravated DUI.
- The driver is under 21 years of age and has alcohol in their body.
- The driver is in an accident, AND is in violation of Arizona financial responsibility law AND has a canceled or revoked driver’s license for any reason, or is unlicensed in any jurisdiction.
The specific violation is indicated on the Notice of Impoundment form you will receive from the Pima Police department. This impoundment is mandatory and not at the police officer’s discretion.
More information: |
Can I get a hearing? The owner, owner’s spouse, or any other person identified in MVD records as having a legal interest in the vehicle may request an impoundment hearing to determine the validity of the impoundment or any mitigating circumstances pertaining to the impoundment, storage, or release of the vehicle before the end of the twenty-day impoundment period. Note: The request for a hearing must be made by calling or writing the number and/or address on the front page within ten (10) days of the date on the Notice of Impoundment that is mailed to all parties with legal interest in the vehicle in accordance with MVD records. The hearing does not require an attorney or incur any costs and may be held telephonically and will be conducted by a sworn member of the PCC Police Department. |
Length of impoundment The law requires that vehicles impounded under these conditions be stored for a period of twenty (20) days before being released |
Getting your vehicle back On or after the 20th day, you must first come to the PCC Police Department headquarters to prove all corrective actions required by state law have been accomplished, pay an administrative fee of $150, and be issued an Impounded Vehicle Release Authorization form to take to the towing company. Payment may be in the form of cash, money order or a cashier’s check payable to: Pima Community College. Schedule an appointment: An appointment must be made in order to process the release of your vehicle. Walk-Ins will not be accepted. You may schedule an appointment by calling (520)206-2692. Impound release hours are Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Prior to release the following conditions must be met:
Inability to claim vehicle Under Arizona law the towing company may file for an abandoned title and seek ownership of the vehicle if it is left at the tow yard unclaimed for more than ten (10) days. If you have difficulty in paying for the towing and storage, but wish to retain ownership of your vehicle, you should contact the towing company and discuss the matter with them. |
Other claims A motor vehicle dealer, bank, credit union, acceptance corporation, or any other licensed financial institution legally operating in this state, or any other person who is not the owner and holds a secured interest in the vehicle as identified in MVD records may make a claim on your vehicle if they present foreclosure documents or an affidavit of repossession of the vehicle and pay all impound, towing, and storage fees related to the impoundment of the vehicle. The person other than the owner with interest in the vehicle may require the owner to pay the charges the person incurred in obtaining custody of the vehicle before they release the vehicle back to the owner. |
Early vehicle release Under certain limited circumstances, you may be able to have the vehicle returned to you prior to the end of the 20-days. Early release: You may be eligible to have the vehicle released early only if you meet specific conditions or circumstances and you enter into an early release agreement. Contact the Pima Community College Police Department at (520)206.2692 to determine if you are eligible for early release. The owner is still liable for administrative charges and all towing and storage fees. |