Protecting Yourself & Your Property
A few precautions and preparations can help keep you safe while on campus property. While the Pima Community College Police Department takes every step to protect the campuses, everyone can play a role in their personal safety.
For a life-threating emergency: Dial 911
College Police assistance/suspicious activity: 520.206.2700
Never hesitate to call 911 or Pima Police when strangers confront you. Report all criminal activity and losses to Pima Police immediately.
Avoid dark vacant places on campus.
The campuses are well-lighted at night. Walk only on lighted sidewalks after dark. Avoid shortcuts.
Be alert. If you are being followed, head quickly for a lighted area or to a group of people.
Avoid places where you are vulnerable and there are no exits.
Employ the "buddy system" when walking to your car at night or traveling to other points in the area. On campus you can call 520.206.2700 for a Campus Safety escort.
Give your car the quick "once over" before entering with a critical eye for possible break-ins or persons in the rear seat or floor area.
Report any suspicious activity or misconduct to PCC Police.
Textbooks are an expensive and necessary part of your college education. It is necessary for you to take steps to protect your investment:
- Write your name and ID number in several places in your textbooks to help deter thieves who would attempt to resell the book.
- Do not leave your textbooks, calculators or book-bags unattended in study rooms, hallways, libraries, cafeterias or unsecured lockers. Record the serial numbers of calculators and computers.
- Thieves know where students leave their belongings unattended and watch for opportunities to take your property. Be suspicious of people hanging around storage areas, i.e. outside of bookstores, with no apparent purpose. If you see someone suspicious or you discover that you have been victimized, contact the Pima Community College Police Department at 520.206.2700.
Personal property, purses, brief cases, etc., should never be left unattended. Take such items with you if you are leaving the office, classroom, or library study area for any length of time.
Try not to carry large amounts of cash on your person, or display large amounts of money.
Make a record of the serial numbers of both college and personal property in your office.
Maintain a record of your personal credit cards and other valuables in your wallet
Keep your auto locked. Never leave the keys in the ignition, and avoid leaving property where it is visible on the seats; store it in the trunk instead.
Lock your bike to a bicycle rack using a high-quality, U-shaped lock.
Faculty and staff:
When leaving your office or room for the day, make sure:
All windows are closed and locked.
All valuable items are removed from the top of desks (radios, clocks, pens, etc.).
All desks and files are locked.
All doors are closed and locked.
Never loan equipment or keys to strangers.
Require identification and authorization from any "repair person" wanting to remove a computer or other office equipment from the room.