Creating a strong password that you can remember but is resistant to cracking is easy!

Strong password components

Strong passwords must:

  • Must be 9-30 characters long, the longer the better.
  • Must include an upper case character
  • Must include a lower case character
  • Must include at least 1 number

Also, passwords should not be

  • A word in any dictionary, language, slang, dialect, etc. including Klingon and Elvish.
  • Made from personal information like dates, names of family or pets, credit card number, license plate, etc.
  • Should not be a commonly used password

Note:  Do not use special characters (e.g., %, #, *) in PCC passwords because not all PCC systems are able to accept them. 

Ways to create a strong password

Don't use the specific examples below as your password!

Phrases - use the first letter of each word and substitute a few numbers

  • “Passwords don't really have to be that hard to remember.” becomes: Pdrh2bTh2r
  • "She sailed away on a sunny sunny day on the back of a crocodile" becomes: SSaoa22dotboaC

Mix up words

Simply combining words is fairly weak, mixing them up is stronger.

  • DenverBroncos1 – decodes in a second.  brDEonNVcoER1s – (DENVER in broncos) is much stronger.
  • 1965Mustang – decodes in the first second.   1MuS9TaN6G5 – would take a long time to crack.

Misspell, change case and include numbers

  • Rainbow - change case and misspell - RiEnbow - add numbers RiEn3bo44w9 = Strong Password

Use 4 or more totally unrelated words

Total length must be under 30 characters - no spaces

  • LearningRedTherapySnakePush4