Therapeutic Massage Certificate
Pre-Admission Information Sessions
Learn more about the Therapeutic Massage program by watching the Information Session recording.
Applying for Program Admission
You will receive a program admission packet at the pre-admission information session. Completed program admission packets are due prior to the second 8 weeks of classes in the fall schedule.
Upon receipt of an eligible Program Application request, transcripts will be evaluated to determine if program admission requirements have been met. If met, a program application, applicable program policies and a placement date will be mailed to the mailing address we have on file for you. The program application must be completed and returned for final processing. It is important to check your PCC email account regularly as program information will be communicated to you via this account.
- Applicants must be prepared to meet the following criteria:
- Be at least eighteen years old
- Have a High School Diploma or GED
- Show proof of immunization or immunity for:
- Varicella
- Hep-B
- Negative TB Skin Test or Negative chest x-ray for TB
- Maintain health insurance
- Maintain CPR Card at the Health Care Provider Level throughout the program
- Physical and mental demands of this program. Physical activities include lifting patients and/or equipment, standing for several hours at a time, and performing bending activities. Mental and emotional demands include undertaking responsibilities and duties that impact the clients’ wellness, which can cause considerable stress. Students will be required to receive massage, which results in increased local and systemic circulation, increased venous return, and relaxed muscles.
To obtain state licensure, applicants must be able to pass a background check and obtain a level 1 fingerprint clearance card. Certain background history that may prohibit licensure or certification include, but are not limited to: felony or misdemeanor convictions; substance abuse; conviction of an offense involving immoral behavior; or being guilty of acts which deceive, defraud, or cause harm to the public in any way.
Program Pre-Admission Requirements
It is advisable to complete support courses prior to starting any program core curriculum.
Recommend completion of BIO 160IN and WRT 101 during summer session, prior to fall admittance and enrollment in TMA program. Applicants are required to meet with Therapeutic Massage Faculty for advising session and clarification about program requirements.
Program Admissions and General Information/Course Information
Special (non-academic) Requirements:
- Obtain Arizona DPS Fingerprint Clearance Card
- Drug screening (i.e. pass a urine toxicology screening exam)
- Proof of Immunizations in:
- Varicella
- Hep-B
- Negative TB skin test or negative chest x-ray for TB
- Maintain health insurance (throughout enrollment in program)
- Maintain CPR card at the Health Care Provider Level (throughout enrollment in program
Orientation or Interview Requirements
Attend an orientation session to receive program application packet.
Program Size Limits
The program admits qualified students each semester; however, TMA Lab courses have a seat limit of 20 students per course (e.g. TMA 201, 202, and 203). Lab courses are dependent on space availability.
Waiting Period
A one year wait period from admission date may occur; based on when application is submitted and approved, and dependent upon space availability in core courses.
Completion Time for the Program
If attending full-time, students are projected to complete Certificates in three semesters (i.e. one year, summer, fall, and spring).
Special Grade Requirements
Must receive a grade of C or better in all courses to progress to the next semester.
Program Location and Schedule
The Therapeutic Massage Program and core courses are located at Northwest Campus. Some TMA courses are scheduled in accelerated, eight week formats. Core courses require daytime availability (Monday-Thursday), and Clinical courses are scheduled on Fridays in the morning and afternoon. To complete program, applicant must be available to attend classes during the day.
Special Scheduling Requirements
TMA course registration is blocked until individual is admitted to program. Once all program special requirements are met, students will be permitted to register for core courses.
Time off/Interrupted Program Information
Students who opt to leave the program may re-enter the program one time without need to repeat mandatory course work, if they re-enter within one (1) year, based on space availability.
Ongoing requirements
Ongoing Program Requirements
- Maintain Arizona DPS Fingerprint Clearance Card
- Pass random urine toxicology screening exams
- Maintain health insurance throughout enrollment in program
- Maintain immunization requirements throughout enrollment in program
Physical Program Requirements
Ability to perform a number of physical activities that include:
- Lifting patients
- Lift, carry, set up, and take down massage tables and chairs
- Bending activities
- Standing for several hours at a time
- Manual dexterity required to perform massage (i.e. strength to exert pressure through a variety of movements using arms/hands to manipulate muscles)
Individuals should take careful consideration to the physical demands of the program, prior to application submission.
Mental/Emotional Program Requirements
Clinical experience can place students under considerable mental and emotional stress, as they undertake responsibilities and duties impacting clients’ wellness. Individuals should have the ability to demonstrate rational and appropriate behavior under stressful conditions. Individuals should take careful consideration to the mental demands of the program, prior to application submission.
In-program Activities or Risks
Students may be exposed to infectious diseases and blood borne pathogens during patient care.
Students will be required to serve as patients to classmates and receive massage, which results in increased local and systemic circulation, increased venous return, relaxed muscles, and overall relaxation. Students must provide own transportation from college campus to clinical internship sites.
Laws or Regulations Relevant to the Program
Students in the program must be aware of and practice the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) and the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Standard Precautions and Post Exposure Guidelines for disease/injury control and prevention.
Information on Licensure
Personal History Requirement for some Licenses
State and/or national license exams or certification applications include a personal history section in which prospective applicants must report and may have to provide a detailed explanation of legal situations. An investigative process must be completed before a license is issued. Examples of situations which may prohibit licensure or certification include, but are not limited to: felony or misdemeanor convictions, substance abuse, conviction of an offense involving immoral behavior, or being guilty of acts which deceive, defraud or cause harm to the public in any way.
Fingerprinting Requirement
Fingerprint requirements are part of many state and federal licensing and certification processes (e.g. Arizona requires proof of Fingerprint Clearances). If there are any questions about eligibility for licensure or certification, it is the responsibility of the applicant to contact the state and/or federal agency responsible for licensure or certification.
Citizenship Requirement
All applicants applying or renewing a license with a state or federal agency will be required to demonstrate proof of U.S. Citizenship, U.S. National Status, Alien or lawful presence status in the U.S.A. If there are any questions about eligibility for licensure or certification, it is the responsibility of the applicant to contact the state and/or federal agency responsible for licensure or certification.
Continuing Education Credits/License Renewal
Many states require Massage Therapists to complete continuing education credits to be eligible for license renewal. If there are questions about continuing education and/or license renewal eligibility, it is the responsibility of the applicant to contact the state and/or federal agency for clarification on continuing education requirements and/or license renewal requirements.