********************************************* DISCLAIMER: THIS CART FILE WAS PRODUCED FOR COMMUNICATION ACCESS AS AN ADA ACCOMMODATION AND MAY NOT BE 100% VERBATIM. THIS IS A DRAFT FILE AND HAS NOT BEEN PROOFREAD. IT IS SCAN-EDITED ONLY, AS PER CART INDUSTRY STANDARDS, AND MAY CONTAIN SOME PHONETICALLY REPRESENTED WORDS, INCORRECT SPELLINGS, TRANSMISSION ERRORS, AND STENOTYPE SYMBOLS OR NONSENSICAL WORDS. THIS IS NOT A LEGAL DOCUMENT AND MAY CONTAIN COPYRIGHTED, PRIVILEGED OR CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. THIS FILE SHALL NOT BE DISCLOSED IN ANY FORM (WRITTEN OR ELECTRONIC) AS A VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT OR POSTED TO ANY WEBSITE OR PUBLIC FORUM OR SHARED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE HIRING PARTY AND/OR THE CART PROVIDER. THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT AND SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON FOR PURPOSES OF VERBATIM CITATION. ********************************************* June 11, 2020 Special Session (virtual meeting)... >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: Good afternoon, and welcome to the Thursday, June 11, 2020 Governing Board special meeting. Following the guidance of public health officials, the college has closed its facilities to the public and allows only restricted access to essential personnel to promote social distancing and limit the spread of Coronavirus. Accordingly, the Governing Board will conduct this meeting through remote technology. Members of the public interested in following this proceeding or future proceedings can do so via Zoom webinar. You can click through our pima.edu website. I'd like to call this meeting to order at 3:01. First item is roll call. >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: Mr. Clinco? >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: Here. >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: Dr. Hay? >> DR. MEREDITH HAY: Here. >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: Mr. Hanna? >> MR. MARK HANNA: Here. >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: Ms. Garcia? I think you're still muted. >> MS. MARIA GARCIA: Here. >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: Mr. Gonzales? Mr. Chair, the board minus member Mr. Luis Gonzales are present. >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: We have two action items today. 2.1, intergovernmental agreement for educational services for the Pima County Sheriff's Department. Mr. Silvyn, if you could begin by reading the recommendation? >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: Thank you, Mr. Chair. The chancellor recommends the Governing Board authorize the chancellor or designee to execute a one-year amendment to the intergovernmental agreement with the Pima County Sheriff's Department for provision of educational services by Pima College. >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: Do I have a motion to approve the recommendation? >> MS. MARIA GARCIA: So moved. >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: Second? >> MR. MARK HANNA: Second. >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: Now a discussion. Mr. Lambert, is there any additional details you'd like to share, or does anyone have any questions? >> DR. LEE LAMBERT: No additional details. As you all know, we have had this longstanding relationship with Pima County Sheriff's Department to deliver adult education services. It's been a very strong relationship that we have had over the years, and we look forward to the ongoing relationship pending your approval. >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: Any questions? Yes, Mr. Hanna? >> MR. MARK HANNA: Chancellor Lambert, does this involve any law enforcement training, or is this a -- this is adult education classes? Okay, thank you. >> DR. LEE LAMBERT: Adult ed classes. It's for the folks who have been arrested and booked into the -- yeah. >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: Any other questions? Okay. Hearing none, all in favor of the motion -- we will do a roll call vote. Mr. Silvyn, if you could please read the roll? >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: Mr. Clinco? >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: Yes. >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: Dr. Hay? >> DR. MEREDITH HAY: Yes. >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: Mr. Hanna? >> MR. MARK HANNA: Yes. >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: Ms. Garcia? >> MS. MARIA GARCIA: Yes. >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: Thank you very much. The motion passes unanimously with Mr. Gonzales absent. Next item is 2.2 to consider and discuss, amend if desired and if deemed advisable, to adopt a resolution ordering and calling for a special expenditure limitation permanent base adjustment election to be held in and for the district and declaring the deadline for submitting arguments for and against the election. Mr. Silvyn, would you like to read a recommendation? Is there a formal recommendation from the chancellor? >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: There is. The chancellor recommends the Governing Board consider, and if it deems advisable, adopt a resolution for placement of a measure on the November 2020 general election ballot for a permanent adjustment to the base expenditure limitation for Pima Community College. A proposed form of that resolution accompanies the board materials. It's based on the statutory requirements and the format used by other local government jurisdictions who have proposed similar ballot measures. >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: Is there a motion to adopt the recommendation? >> MS. MARIA GARCIA: So moved. >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: Is there a second? >> DR. MEREDITH HAY: Second. >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: A discussion? Chancellor Lambert? Any additional details you'd like to share with us or thoughts? >> DR. LEE LAMBERT: First of all, we are very excited about the opportunity to pursue this permanent change to our expenditure-base limit, and we appreciate that the board has supported getting us to this point, and we look forward to the board's full support going forward. Dave, could you talk a little bit about just the numbers that are in here so folks understand? >> DR. DAVID BEA: Yeah. To put it as simply as possible -- good afternoon, Chair Clinco, members of the board, Chancellor Lambert, colleagues and guests. What we are asking for is that because the expenditure limitation is based on the college's expenditures back in 1979 and 1980, and the college's expenditures at that point were very low in comparison to our peer institutions, as a result of budget cuts that had preceded that period of time, what we are looking to do is change our base limit to be equivalent to the average of the Arizona community colleges. So we just want a limit that is equivalent to the average of the other colleges, of the colleges were included in that average in order to give us the spending capacity that we can turn the revenues we are already receiving through local property taxes and focus those revenues towards the important educational opportunities and improvements that we are looking at as a college, workforce training, creating the operational support and equipment for our centers of excellence and providing really the support that will be needed for the economic recovery locally. >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: Are there any questions from members of the board? >> MS. MARIA GARCIA: Okay. I'd like to know can the money be used, if it's approved through the voters, to increase salaries for faculty members and staff? >> DR. DAVID BEA: It could be, but that isn't what our focus is. Our focus is to -- >> MS. MARIA GARCIA: I understand. >> DR. DAVID BEA: -- to obviously help better support the operational needs of the college, and that's going to be some personnel expenses as we realize we've got to enhance some of the training opportunities that are available, particularly in the workforce area. >> MS. MARIA GARCIA: That's it. >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: Any additional questions? Mr. Hanna? >> MR. MARK HANNA: Only that the provision calls for an informational pamphlet. I'm just wondering who is responsible for that and what kind of information would be in that pamphlet and how is that distributed? >> DR. DAVID BEA: I'll start, and I think Jeff will chime in a little bit. It's highly prescribed by law what's included in the pamphlet. It's fairly basic information. What your old base limit is, what you're asking for in terms of your new base limit, and then what the impact is on your overall expenditure limitations and basic calculations. And again, they are highly prescribed and we have to run that information through the auditor general's office, so they get another level of scrutiny, as well. And then, Jeff, you can maybe elaborate on this piece, the pamphlet I believe also has provisions for for and against support, you know, advocates for and opponents to what your proposal is. >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: Yeah, just to build on that a little bit, so if you think about other years where there has been like a statewide ballot initiative or where the county, for example, has tried to pass a bond, before the election, you get a publication from the county election office that tells you the text of the proposed change and has arguments that have been submitted by members of the community for and against. That comes out about 30 days before the ballots get mailed. So that's the publication. Pima College is responsible for collecting those materials which then gets submitted to the county, and then the county compiles the complete pamphlet which would have similar materials from any other measures that are on the ballot. Then that gets mailed to every household with a registered voter in Pima County. >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: Any other comments or questions? I'm just going to close with my sort of comments on our moving forward with this. I think this is extremely important not only for our college but for the region. Pima College has always been a leader in helping to improve the economic climate and character of our city both for individuals but also for our businesses. We are facing an unprecedented circumstance related to COVID-19, and I think we're facing potentially significant declines in enrollment which will directly impact our ability to deliver that component through recovery. Additionally, with the types of decreases, it would be difficult not to see some sort of reduction of force, and this expenditure limit would allow us to retain people to be able to continue to deliver high level of services that this community not only relies, depends on, expects and deserves. Frankly, it deserves. So I just think this is so important. You know, we have been discussing it for the last two years of when the timing would be right. There is never a better time than I think now because of what this community and what this country is facing because of the current pandemic and the resulting economic crisis. So, Mr. Silvyn, if you would like to go ahead and read the roll? >> MR. MARK HANNA: I just want to be assured that the wording of this resolution has been vetted to make sure that there are no issues as other resolutions have had recently in terms of legality for placing the item on the ballot. >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: So this language was prepared predominantly by our outside counsel, Gust Rosenfeld, who has worked with a lot of different jurisdictions based on their experience and kind of samples that have been used in other elections around the state, and in close coordination with Stifel. That's the financial management firm, it's the same team essentially that worked on the revenue bond wording. So we have done everything we can to make sure that we have qualified professionals who stand behind their work with experience in this type of work to make sure that this resolution meets all the statutory requirements so we don't have an issue, technical issue because of that. >> MR. MARK HANNA: Thank you. >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: Are there any other questions? Okay. Hearing none, Mr. Silvyn? >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: Thank you. Mr. Clinco? >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: Yes. >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: Dr. Hay? >> DR. MEREDITH HAY: Yes. >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: Mr. Hanna? >> MR. MARK HANNA: Yes. >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: Ms. Garcia? >> MS. MARIA GARCIA: Yes. >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: That concludes this portion of the meeting. Do I have a motion to go into executive session? >> MS. MARIA GARCIA: So moved. >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: Is there a second? >> DR. MEREDITH HAY: Second. >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: Mr. Silvyn, if you could read the roll? >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: To close the public meeting, Mr. Clinco, we are actually going to end out of this room and go to the other link that you got, going to change who the participants are. There are a number of participants in this room who are actually not part of the executive session meeting. >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: But if we vote to go into the executive session, we will all exit. >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: Yes, I'm sorry. >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: Then we will click on the other link. >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: Yes, sir. So you're asking for a roll call related to the motion to go into exec session? Got it. Thank you. Sorry about the confusion. Mr. Clinco? >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: Yes. >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: Dr. Hay? >> DR. MEREDITH HAY: Yes. >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: Mr. Hanna? >> MR. MARK HANNA: Yes. >> MR. JEFF SILVYN: Ms. Garcia? >> MS. MARIA GARCIA: Yes. >> MR. DEMION CLINCO: The motion passes unanimously and we are now moving into executive session. Thank you, all. See you all in a moment. (Adjournment.) ********************************************* DISCLAIMER: THIS CART FILE WAS PRODUCED FOR COMMUNICATION ACCESS AS AN ADA ACCOMMODATION AND MAY NOT BE 100% VERBATIM. THIS IS A DRAFT FILE AND HAS NOT BEEN PROOFREAD. IT IS SCAN-EDITED ONLY, AS PER CART INDUSTRY STANDARDS, AND MAY CONTAIN SOME PHONETICALLY REPRESENTED WORDS, INCORRECT SPELLINGS, TRANSMISSION ERRORS, AND STENOTYPE SYMBOLS OR NONSENSICAL WORDS. THIS IS NOT A LEGAL DOCUMENT AND MAY CONTAIN COPYRIGHTED, PRIVILEGED OR CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. THIS FILE SHALL NOT BE DISCLOSED IN ANY FORM (WRITTEN OR ELECTRONIC) AS A VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT OR POSTED TO ANY WEBSITE OR PUBLIC FORUM OR SHARED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE HIRING PARTY AND/OR THE CART PROVIDER. THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT AND SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON FOR PURPOSES OF VERBATIM CITATION. *********************************************